October 12, 2018
The concern may not warrant an actual vet visit, but it’s still valid nonetheless. Your question could be simple or complex. At any rate, PetCenter has the answer to your problem, because we have staff that is well-suited to assist you. In comes Solutions.Pet for your pet solutions!
They are an experienced and extended branch of PetCenter with staff who are willing, able, and capable of assisting you with your various concerns. Solutions.Pet is an online space where you can ask questions and be provided pet solutions by pet professionals in real time. Anytime that you contact them, they will be able to access your previous calls or concerns. They keep a record of your inquiries, in addition to having a database full of answers to questions of varied topics.
The staff at Solutions.Pets works directly with clients and vets so that they can provide the most accurate pet solutions for you. Solutions.Pet has live representatives available Monday – Friday from 9 am to 8 pm EST, Saturday from 10 am to 8 pm EST, and Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm EST. You can submit unlimited concerns online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You will receive a response within 24 hours to your questions. This is an invaluable feature and benefit. Did we mention there’s no cost for these experts giving pet solutions to your problems?
Not seeing what you are looking for? Let's start by giving you a $100.00 off your puppy by making an appointment today.