PetCenter Old Bridge

Dog Breeds

Dog Breeds

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | Y


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Puppy Information and Coupons

PetCenter Old Bridge is dedicated to matching the right puppy with the right family and meeting the needs of both! We designed our dog breed information pages to give you everything you need to make an educated, informed decision on which puppy might be right for you. These pages have everything from estimated size and weight, to personality traits and environment and exercise requirements for each and every breed we carry! However, we say that you can only learn so much about the puppies by reading and recommend coming down to our location to socialize with all our different breeds in person. We typically have over 80 puppies for you to play with and learn about on a personal basis. Our friendly, educated staff with be able to offer suggestions based on your current situation to help guide you to the puppy of your dreams! Not quite ready for the commitment of a new puppy? No problem! We have 16 socialization rooms, where we encourage people to pick out a puppy and play to their heart’s content, no matter what their circumstances! If you have more questions about our store and what our puppies go home with, be sure to check out our video below!

Not seeing what you are looking for? Let's start by giving you a $100.00 off your puppy by making an appointment today.

Puppy Information and Coupons