Solutions.Pet provides all of the answers and solutions for your pet and you. We promise to provide the fastest and most exceptional service to answer all of your questions and concerns.
Solutions.Pet has live representatives available Monday–Friday from 9am to 8pm EST, Saturday from 10am to 8pm EST, and Sunday from 10am to 6pm EST. Along with 24 hour, 7 day a week unlimited online concern submission with a 24 hour response time to get the answers you desire conveniently and diligently.
We understand that sometimes things don’t work out exactly as we want them to, this is where Solutions Pet comes in. They can help you out with many different types of issues, so you can get on with your day. They can keep detailed records that will keep you up-to-date on current issues, diagnoses and warranty questions. Being able to talk to someone who knows your specific situation at any given time will give you the piece of mind that you deserve!
Solutions has wonderful people working round the clock to make sure that nothing falls through the cracks and you don’t go too long without getting the information you’re looking for. With the store being so busy, it doesn’t help anyone to be shuffled around or ending up with misinformation or forgotten issues. They work diligently to keep everyone informed and in the loop on every important issue or concern. They can work directly with clients, veterinarians and more to have a multi-faceted approach to dealing with any problems that might creep up. Solutions helps us keep our clients and their pooches happy, healthy and looking forward to a beautiful friendship together!
To submit a concern to a representative,click on the link below to go to our site. We look forward to providing you with the service you, and your pet, deserve!
Not seeing what you are looking for? Let's start by giving you a $100.00 off your puppy by making an appointment today.