PetCenter Old Bridge

Pups Are Powerful

Pups Are Powerful

April 30, 2018

Owning a dog has so many benefits outside of being able to cuddle with them endlessly and take countless pictures!

Studies have been conducted over and over and the results have proven that the benefits to owning a dog positively affects and enhances your life. We have compiled a list of 5 reasons why owning a dog increases your quality of life.

  1. Encourages exercise

Taking your dog for a long walk will have great and evident benefits on your physical health. Let’s face it. It’s difficult enough to exercise on your own, but having a dog forces you to be active, because most dogs truly require some sort of exercise. Why not do it together?

  1. Improves socialization

Dogs are a perfect icebreaker topic. Hey, they’re even opening lines on dating profiles! Our point is that some of the benefits to owning a dog include improving your socialization. As we mentioned earlier, when taking them for walks you’re sure to encounter fellow dog owners and strike up conversations.

  1. Gives meaning and increases your quality of life

It’s inevitable that you’re going to grow older and eventually retire from work. With such a shift in your normal day-to-day activities and requirements, it may be hard to find purpose. Owning a dog can help drastically, by increasing your quality of life. They give you a reason to persevere and a sense of responsibility. They prevent loneliness and decreases feelings of isolation.

  1. Reduces stress

You’ve seen emotional support dogs, right? Well, there’s some true legitimacy to them. Dogs have been therapeutic for years to humans and that’s because they help to reduce stress. They serve as a source of comfort. They are calming. People who work from home or have stressful jobs have been known to be more productive and calmer simply from owning a dog. When you own a dog, you lower your anxiety and blood pressure, and increase levels of serotonin and dopamine, two neuro-chemicals that play major roles in producing harmony and tranquility.

  1. Improves heart health

Dogs don’t just fill your hearts with love and joy, but they also make them stronger and healthier! Several studies have been conducted that show owning a dog decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease and lowers heart rate and blood pressure. Studies have shown that a person’s blood pressure decreases when they just pet a dog.

Not seeing what you are looking for? Let's start by giving you a $100.00 off your puppy by making an appointment today.

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