April 8, 2018
Much controversy has surrounded this pint sized babies, but we’re here to dispel some of those awful rumors. Contrary to what has been widely been misreported Teacup Yorkies, though incredibly small, can live healthy lives with the proper care and attention. We’ve gathered some basic and informative facts about them just below that will be helpful while you’re shopping for Teacup Yorkies, that we happen to proudly have in our store.
The AKC standard for the Yorkshire Terrier used to state that the adult dog should weigh between 4 and 7 pounds, but now there isn’t a minimum size. The official weight standard simply states that they are not to exceed 7 pounds.
These little babies will generally be between 1 and 3 pounds, when they are fully grown adult dogs.
The Yorkshire Terrier is absolutely accepted and recognized.
Teacups aside, a fully grown adult dog whose weight ranges from 4 – 7 pounds, is extremely small already and are fragile. Therefore, Teacups will certainly face more physical scrutiny and special care, such as:
With responsible ownership, consistent vet visits, and a healthy diet, Teacup Yorkies can live healthy lives. Contact us for any questions you may have!
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