PetCenter Old Bridge

Top 3 Breeds for Elderly Dog Lovers

Top 3 Breeds for Elderly Dog Lovers

November 14, 2018

The connection between dog and man is undeniable, and as we age this bond becomes even more important.

Elders who have dogs tend to feel less lonely and get more exercise. If you are reading this blog because you Googled “small dogs for sale near me,” then you are on the right track to finding the perfect breed for an elderly dog lover. Read on to learn the top 3 breeds for elderly dog lovers.

Teacup Pomeranian 

If you appreciate loyalty and cuteness you might want to search for Teacup Pomeranian for sale. These adorable dogs are simply Pomeranians that weigh less than 7 pounds. Life with a Teacup Pomeranian will be filled with cheer, entertainment, and affection. When you search Teacup Pomeranians for sale it is not unlikely to find that these dogs can cost upwards of $4,000 as they are often referred to as a specialty puppy but owners of these little ones will tell you they are worth every penny. Teacup Pomeranians are playful, active and friendly and rekindle a youthful feeling to an elderly dog lover.


A Yorkiepoo is simply a mix between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Toy Poodle. These tiny pooches are considered designer dogs as their temperament can be customized based on their genetics. In general Yorkiepoo dogs are easy to care for and with a mild temper. Yorkiepoos have the added benefit of being hypoallergenic and Yorkiepoos don’t require a great deal of exercise making them great for elderly dog lovers with limited mobility.


As an elder if you are looking for an active and fearless dog, search for Schnauzer puppies for sale. Schnauzer puppies are intelligent and train well. Like Yorkies, they are hypoallergenic but require weekly grooming which can be a great bonding activity. Their long life expectancy makes them a long-term companion for elders.

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