March 7, 2019
Protecting your dogs paws in the winter can minimize infection, prevent irritation, and keep dogs out of pain. Of course, the teeth, eyes, and ears are just as important, but for now, we will focus on the health of dogs paws. PetCenter wants you to be prepared this winter season by offering some important tips to keep your dog from visiting the vet for paw pain.
Overgrown paw nails can create bigger problems in the long run. Their nails can get snagged in the carpet, they can tear a toenail, or even scratch their owner. Keeping your dog’s nails trimmed provides comfort and safety for your pet and you as the owner. Check out PetCenter locations near you for advice or tools you can use for nail trimming.
The health of your dogs paws could be compromised in extremely cold or hot temperatures. When walking your pet outside be sure to check for a clear pathway for them to walk. Protecting dog paws in the winter can be done in several ways – apply Vaseline for comfort before walking, rub off their paws when returning from walking to remove salt or debris from their paws, or massage their paws after bath time for stimulating blood circulation.
Make sure you pay attention to how long your dog is outside during extreme temperatures. We are firm believers in the healthy activity of your pets, but also the care. The care should always come first. If your dog is noticeably uncomfortable from being outside in the heat or cold, take them inside for a break. Protecting dog paws in the winter includes cleaning off and drying their feet after some time outside to avoid frostbite. Believe it or not, dogs can get frostbite too.
At PetCenter, we take pride in our standards for the health of our animals. We have trained team members to ensure our dogs and pups are well taken care of and maintaining their good health is our priority. We are constantly brainstorming ideas to make sure you as a pet owner have the necessary information to thrive in caring for your animals. Check us out today at our PetCenter locations near you.
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